Sentinel 1075 SCARPro source projector[:es]Sentinel 1075 SCARPro

Experience 24/7 SCAR Productivity.

 [:es]Experimente la productividad SCAR 24/7.


Part # 1075SCARPro Category Tag

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Perform Small Controlled Area Radiography (SCAR)  radiographic inspections in close proximity to other trades, nucleonic process control equipment, and critical safety systems, such as visual flame detectors, to minimize the impact of RT on continuing operations or outage schedules.

With the SENTINEL 1075 SCARPro, you can obtain up to 98% reduction in exclusion zones compared to conventional radiography techniques.

Designed, tested, and manufactured to the requirements of ANSI N432-1980, ISO 3999:2004(E), IAEA TS-R-1 (2009), IAEA SSR-6 (2012), USNRC 10CFR34, USNRC 10CFR71, and USDOT 49CFR173.

 [:es]Realice inspecciones radiográficas de radiografía de área controlada pequeña (SCAR) en las proximidades de otros oficios, equipos de control de procesos nucleónicos y sistemas de seguridad críticos, como detectores de llamas visuales, para minimizar el impacto de la RT en las operaciones continuas o los horarios de interrupción.

Con el SENTINEL 1075 SCARPro, puede obtener hasta un 98% de reducción en las zonas de exclusión en comparación con las técnicas de radiografía convencionales.

Diseñado, probado y fabricado según los requisitos de ANSI N432-1980, ISO 3999: 2004 (E), IAEA TS-R-1 (2009), IAEA SSR-6 (2012), USNRC 10CFR34, USNRC 10CFR71 y USDOT 49CFR173 .

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Minimize Exclusion Zones

With the SENTINEL 1075 SCARPro, you can obtain up to 98% reduction in exclusion zones compared to conventional radiography techniques.

Utilizing FlexShield radiation blankets, guide tube shields, and scatter shields with proper technique, you can achieve exclusion zones as small as 3 to 6 feet (1 to 2 meters) for demanding applications or 10 to 15 feet (3 to 5 meters) for typical applications required by clients to realize the SCAR value.

QSA Global, Inc.’s sales team and local distributors provide custom-tailored solutions to help your clients maximize turnaround efficiency, eliminate interference from radiographic testing on nucleonic process control gauges, and meet exclusion zone requirements.

SCAR Production: Turnarounds & Outages

During turnarounds and outages, traditional gamma radiography is either performed in shooting windows totaling only 1-2 hours in a 12-hour shift or other trades such as welders and electricians must be cleared from the exclusion zone while radiography is performed.

The SCAR Radiography technique utilizing the SENTINEL 1075 SCARPro eliminates the need for shooting windows or impacting other trades. The SENTINEL 1075 SCARPro enables continuous 24/7 gamma radiography inspections maximizing inspection productivity and accelerating your turnaround.

Nucleonic Gauges & Safety Systems

Gamma rays, x-rays, and scatter radiation from radiographic testing can interfere with nucleonic process control gauges and critical safety systems such as visual flame detectors (VFDs) commonly found in oil refineries, petrochemical plants, and power plants. Nucleonic gauges utilize radiation in myriad process control applications including measuring process fluid density, locating phase interfaces, and level switches. UV VFDs detect UV radiation from fires and can trigger fire suppression systems. These systems often cannot differentiate the radiation they are designed to detect from radiation resulting from radiographic testing. As a result, critical processes may need to be manually monitored, operated without real-time process information, or shut down entirely while traditional radiographic testing (RT) is being performed.

The SCAR radiography technique allows you to perform RT in close proximity to these sensor systems without risking interfering with process measurements or generating false alarms in critical safety systems.


Minimizar las zonas de exclusión

Con el SENTINEL 1075 SCARPro, puede obtener hasta un 98% de reducción en las zonas de exclusión en comparación con las técnicas de radiografía convencionales.

Utilizando mantas de radiación FlexShield, protectores de tubo guía y protectores de dispersión con la técnica adecuada, puede lograr zonas de exclusión tan pequeñas como de 3 a 6 pies (1 a 2 metros) para aplicaciones exigentes o de 10 a 15 pies (3 a 5 metros) para aplicaciones típicas. aplicaciones requeridas por los clientes para darse cuenta del valor de SCAR.

El equipo de ventas y los distribuidores locales de QSA Global, Inc. brindan soluciones personalizadas para ayudar a sus clientes a maximizar la eficiencia de respuesta, eliminar la interferencia de las pruebas radiográficas en los medidores de control de procesos nucleónicos y cumplir con los requisitos de la zona de exclusión.

Producción de SCAR: cambios y cortes

Durante los cambios y las interrupciones, la radiografía gamma tradicional se realiza en ventanas de disparo que suman un total de solo 1-2 horas en un turno de 12 horas u otros oficios, como soldadores y electricistas, deben salir de la zona de exclusión mientras se realiza la radiografía.

La técnica de radiografía SCAR que utiliza el SENTINEL 1075 SCARPro elimina la necesidad de disparar ventanas o impactar otros oficios. El SENTINEL 1075 SCARPro permite inspecciones de radiografía gamma continuas las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, lo que maximiza la productividad de la inspección y acelera su tiempo de respuesta.

Medidores nucleónicos y sistemas de seguridad

Los rayos gamma, los rayos X y la radiación dispersa de las pruebas radiográficas pueden interferir con los medidores de control de procesos nucleónicos y los sistemas de seguridad críticos, como los detectores visuales de llamas (VFD) que se encuentran comúnmente en refinerías de petróleo, plantas petroquímicas y centrales eléctricas. Los medidores nucleónicos utilizan radiación en innumerables aplicaciones de control de procesos, incluida la medición de la densidad del fluido del proceso, la localización de interfaces de fase e interruptores de nivel. Los VFD UV detectan la radiación UV de los incendios y pueden activar sistemas de extinción de incendios. Estos sistemas a menudo no pueden diferenciar la radiación para la que están diseñados para detectar de la radiación resultante de las pruebas radiográficas. Como resultado, los procesos críticos pueden necesitar ser monitoreados manualmente, operados sin información de proceso en tiempo real o apagados por completo mientras se realizan las pruebas radiográficas tradicionales (RT).

La técnica de radiografía SCAR le permite realizar RT muy cerca de estos sistemas de sensores sin correr el riesgo de interferir con las mediciones del proceso o generar falsas alarmas en sistemas de seguridad críticos.

Gamma-Ray Source Projector Specifications

Table 1 – Exposure Device Specifications


QSA Global, Inc., Burlington, Massachusetts, USA.

Device Model


Primary Application

Industrial gamma radiography

Device Configuration/ Mode

SCAR (with Collimator)


Device Weight (Maximum)

40 pounds (18 kilograms)

35 pounds (16 kilograms)

Device Overall Length

11.5 inches (292 mm)

11.2 inches (284 mm)

Device Overall Height

7.25 inches (184 millimeters)

Device Overall Width

6.0 inches (152 millimeters)

Device Capacity – Isotope

81 Curies Selenium-75

Device Shielding Materials

Tungsten & Stainless steel

Operating Temperature

-40°F to 300°F (-40°C to 149°C)

Transport Approvals

Type A within the model SENTINEL 1075A overpack meets 49 CFR173, IAEA TS-R-1 (2009) and IAEA SSR-6 (2012)

Transport Package Weight

60 pounds (27.2 kilograms) maximum Version 1 66 pounds (29.9 kilograms) maximum Version 2

Compatible Sources

Refer to Table 2.

Compatible Controls

Refer to Table 3.

Compatible Guide Tubes

Refer to Table 4.

Compatible Source Changers

Model 650L – See MAN-020 with applicable addendums.

Inspection Requirements

Daily pre-operational inspection for obvious damage to the system.

Maintenance Requirements

Most national regulations require inspection and maintenance of the system at quarterly intervals. The complete annual servicing ensures the integrity of the system. Shorter frequencies of inspection and maintenance are required when the system is operated under severe operating environments. In some cases, the system should be serviced immediately after certain jobs in severe environmental working conditions.

Source Assembly Specifications

Table 2 – Compatible Source Assembly Specifications – License Information


QSA Global, Inc., Burlington, Massachusetts, USA.

Source Assembly

Model A425-6

Capsule Design

Double Encapsulation

Special Form Certificate


Sealed Source and Device Registration Number


ANSI/ISO Source Classification


Maximum Source Activity

81 Ci (3 TBq)

Nuclide / Isotope


Isotope Gamma Energy Range

66 – 401 keV

Isotope Half Life

120 days

Isotope Output at
1 meter per Curie (37 GBq)

0.203R/hr (2.03mSv/hr)

Isotope Output at
1 foot per Curie (37 GBq)

2.2R/hr (22.0mSv/hr)

Selected Attenuation Data


Approximate Material Density (g/cm3)

Se-75 Approximate Half Value Thickness Inches (mm)



1.180 (30.0)



1.100 (27.0)



0.315 (8.0)



0.039 (1.0)



0.032 (0.8)

Depleted Uranium



Gamma-Ray Source Projector Specifications

Table 1 – Exposure Device Specifications


QSA Global, Inc., Burlington, Massachusetts, USA.

Device Model


Primary Application

Industrial gamma radiography

Device Configuration/ Mode

SCAR (with Collimator)


Device Weight (Maximum)

40 pounds (18 kilograms)

35 pounds (16 kilograms)

Device Overall Length

11.5 inches (292 mm)

11.2 inches (284 mm)

Device Overall Height

7.25 inches (184 millimeters)

Device Overall Width

6.0 inches (152 millimeters)

Device Capacity – Isotope

81 Curies Selenium-75

Device Shielding Materials

Tungsten & Stainless steel

Operating Temperature

-40°F to 300°F (-40°C to 149°C)

Transport Approvals

Type A within the model SENTINEL 1075A overpack meets 49 CFR173, IAEA TS-R-1 (2009) and IAEA SSR-6 (2012)

Transport Package Weight

60 pounds (27.2 kilograms) maximum Version 1 66 pounds (29.9 kilograms) maximum Version 2

Compatible Sources

Refer to Table 2.

Compatible Controls

Refer to Table 3.

Compatible Guide Tubes

Refer to Table 4.

Compatible Source Changers

Model 650L – See MAN-020 with applicable addendums.

Inspection Requirements

Daily pre-operational inspection for obvious damage to the system.

Maintenance Requirements

Most national regulations require inspection and maintenance of the system at quarterly intervals. The complete annual servicing ensures the integrity of the system. Shorter frequencies of inspection and maintenance are required when the system is operated under severe operating environments. In some cases, the system should be serviced immediately after certain jobs in severe environmental working conditions.

Source Assembly Specifications

Table 2 – Compatible Source Assembly Specifications – License Information


QSA Global, Inc., Burlington, Massachusetts, USA.

Source Assembly

Model A425-6

Capsule Design

Double Encapsulation

Special Form Certificate


Sealed Source and Device Registration Number


ANSI/ISO Source Classification


Maximum Source Activity

81 Ci (3 TBq)

Nuclide / Isotope


Isotope Gamma Energy Range

66 – 401 keV

Isotope Half Life

120 days

Isotope Output at
1 meter per Curie (37 GBq)

0.203R/hr (2.03mSv/hr)

Isotope Output at
1 foot per Curie (37 GBq)

2.2R/hr (22.0mSv/hr)

Selected Attenuation Data


Approximate Material Density (g/cm3)

Se-75 Approximate Half Value Thickness Inches (mm)



1.180 (30.0)



1.100 (27.0)



0.315 (8.0)



0.039 (1.0)



0.032 (0.8)

Depleted Uranium


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