PH Tool Single ASTM Block (4340-3/5/8-0425 – 0600)

Part # NMASTM04250600CS Category

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Used for measurement of the sensitivity and/or resolution of normal beam transducers. In accordance with ASTM E127.

Include Case

None, Wood Case

  • Flat-bottom hole diameter: 3/64″ to 8/64″.
  • Metal Travel Distance: 4.250″ to 6.000″.
  • Block diameter: 2.0″
  • Material: 4340 Steel, Nickel-plated
  • Custom hardwood storage cases are available upon request.

Want to know what ASTM Block IDs really mean? We can help! Let’s use 7075-5-0300 as an example…

  • The ‘7075’ is the material the block is made from. This could be 4340, 304, 6AL4V, and so on.
  • The ‘5’ is the flat-bottom hole (FBH) diameter in 64ths. This example block has a 5/64″ diameter FBH.
  • The ‘0300’ is the metal travel distance. Place an imaginary decimal point after the 2nd number, and that will give you the MTD in inches. This example block has a 3.000″ MTD.
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