PH Tool ASME-Style Pipe Calibration Block (PAUT)

Part # NMPAUTASMEPIPE4343 Category

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These pipe calibration blocks are specially-designed to facilitate phased array UT (PAUT). The PH Tool block design includes various modifications to the original ASME design, including extra axial and arc length, a rearranged notch layout, and a 10° angled cut on one end for blocks over 5″ NPS. These modifications help to minimize unwanted “noise” from the back wall while performing DAC/TCG calibrations with phased array UT equipment.

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A calibration block should be a section of pipe of the same nominal size, schedule, heat treatment, and material specification as the material being examined. PH Tool maintains a large inventory of raw material for the machining of these standards, and they can be made from customer-supplied material as well.

Our Phased Array Pipe Calibration Blocks contain (4) EDM notches (axial and circumferential on both OD and ID) at a depth of 8-11% of nominal wall thickness x 1/4″ max wide (most notches are approximately (0.030-0.040″) wide x 1.000″ min long. Blocks 5″ NPS and smaller are left at 360°, while blocks over 5″ are milled to a 180/120/90/60° arc section (depending on nominal pipe size). All blocks are 12″ in axial length minimum, or 10T, whichever is greater. Made in accordance with ASME Section V Article 4 Figure T-434.3, with PH Tool modification for PAUT. In small quantities, blocks can be shipped in approximately 1 week, with rush options always available. Larger quantities will take longer, however we’re happy to offer partial shipments.

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