Adelix ADL-DU120 Mini Universal Hardness Tester

Universal hardness tester designed for measuring the hardness of metallic products. The device uses two methods of hardness measurement – ultrasonic and dynamic.

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Easy to use, versatile in capabilities, multifunctional in application, and reliable in operation!

ADL DU120 Mini is a universal hardness tester designed for measuring the hardness of metallic products. The device uses two methods of hardness measurement – ultrasonic and dynamic, making it efficient and universal for quality control of materials in various tasks, including input, interoperation, and output quality control of materials.

The hardness tester is suitable for measuring the hardness of carbon and structural steels, surface-hardened products, heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, stainless steels, galvanic coatings, weld overlays, products with complex configurations, thin-walled, and compact products.

ADL DU120 Mini has a Leeb scale, as well as standard calibrations for measuring hardness by Rockwell, Vickers, Brinell, and Shore. Additional scales for different materials can also be added, including through the one-point calibration function. This significantly increases the measurement accuracy for specific materials and sets it apart from its counterparts.

ADL DU120 Mini also has the ability to store up to 20 user-defined scales and view the measurement history of the entire enterprise. The built-in automatic outlier value processing algorithm and control of specified ranges increase the accuracy and reliability of material hardness measurements.

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The dynamic sensor allows for the measurement of the hardness of solid objects with poorly prepared and coarse-grained surfaces. The G-type dynamic sensor is recommended for such objects, as it has low sensitivity to the curvature of the object and surface roughness.

Additionally, the device can be equipped with additional interchangeable sensors of various sizes, spring stiffness, and indenter hardness.


The ultrasonic sensor allows measuring the hardness of grooves, surfaces with small radius, hard-to-reach areas, complex-shaped products, and small parts.

It is ideal for measuring the hardness of mirror surfaces of shaft necks, blades, gear teeth, due to its small indenter footprint.

Features of hardness tester ADL DU120 mini:

  • The device housing is protected from dust and moisture.
  • The intuitive device interface allows you to start working immediately after turning it on.
  • The color display with adjustable backlight shows bright and clear measurement results even in low light conditions or bright sunlight.
  • The device notifies the user when measurement results exceed set values.
  • The unique statistical data processing system provides fast analysis of measurement results.
  • One-point calibration function.
  • The device can store up to 20 user-defined scales and the history of all measurements, as well as the date and time of the test.
  • Reliable operation of the device in various climatic conditions.
  • Shock-resistant housing, protection against accidental drops from a height of up to 1.5 meters.
Measurement range on the main scales
Rockwell20 – 70 HRC
Brinell30  – 650 HB
Vickers230 – 940 HV
Measurement error (Regulated by ISO standards)
Rockwell2 HRC
Brinell, in the range:
90-180 HB
180-250 HB
250-460 HB
10 HB
15 HB
20 HB
Vickers, in the range:
240-500 HV
500-800 HV
800-940 HV
15 HV
20 HV
25 HV
Diameter of the platform for installing the sensor
For ultrasonic sensor:from 1 mm on the plane,
from 5 mm in a blind hole (groove)
For dynamic sensor:from 21 mm on the plane, (from 15 mm, depending on washer type)
Roughness (different sensors may work with different product roughness)
Ultrasonic1,6 Ra
Dynamicfor sensor type “D” – 3.2 Ra
for sensor type “G” – 7.2 Ra
for sensor type “E” – 3.2 Ra
Main technical characteristics
Scale conversionIt is possible to convert the measured hardness into different scales
Programmable scalesUp to 20 additional scales
Algorithm for discarding false readings (for higher reading accuracy)Yes
ComputingAverage value for 3 – 20 measurements
Minimum, maximum, average value
Finding Incorrect Measurement Results
Working temperature– 20 … +45 °С
DisplayLCD TFT 2.4’’, 240х320 px
LanguageUkrainian, English, Russian
PC connectionUSB-C, customization and processing
Instrument power supplyBuilt-in battery
Overall dimensions141×73×32mm
Weight0.3 kg
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